Cygames' action RPG "Granblue Fantasy Versus" (GBVS)
This weekend, on Saturday, June 20, 2020, the first official tournament "RAGE GBVS 2020 Summer powered by AQUOS" will finally reach its final!
Who will be the first champion and who will get the 3 million yen prize money?
We asked Nash Tajima about it, and he said he's keeping an eye on I-yo!
As for GBVS, the original soundtrack that was announced when "Zoe" was released on April 7 has been released today!
New Trailer for "Granblue Fantasy Versus" Released!
It is a 2-disc set with a total of 34 tracks!

"GRANBLUE FANTASY: Versus ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK" CD is released today, Wednesday, June 17, 2020, and is now available for digital download!
The album is a 2-CD set containing 17 tracks each, for a total of 34 tracks.
The album contains a total of 34 tracks, including scene BGM and character BGM for each mode, as well as "Wings of Terror" and "Colossus" performed by "Stella Magna" led by Tsutomu Narita, and other songs that appear in the game. This is an album full of great songs to listen to!
GBVS has great songs, so this is truly an album with "no throw-away" songs.
The songs included in the album are as follows
- Track1. GBVS Main Theme
- Track2. Distant Skies
- Track3. Such a Blue Sky
- Track4. The Path of Duty
- Track5. Noble Execution
- Track6. Weißer Drache
- Track7. Lohengrin
- Track8. Licht
- Track9. Party People
- Track10. No Rain, No Rainbow!
- Track11. Second to None
- Track12. Arvess
- Track13. Grynoth
- Track14. Butterfly Girl
- Track15. Macho Ultimatum
- Track16. The Same Blue Sky
- Track17. Peacemaker's Wings
- Track1. Face Yourself
- Track2. Dragon Knights
- Track3. Platinum Sky
- Track4. Where Champions Converge
- Track5. Ready
- Track6. Over Burst
- Track7. Glory of Winner
- Track8. Continue
- Track9. Game Over
- Track10. Ares
- Track11. Colossus
- Track12. Yggdrasil
- Track13. Rose Queen
- Track14. Wings of Terror
- Track15. Paradise Lost
- Track16. Existence
- Track17. Staff Roll
The CD comes in a foil-stamped sleeve case!
"GRANBLUE FANTASY: Versus ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK" is available at the official online store CyStore, record stores, CD stores and EC sites nationwide!
The digitally distributed version is now available at various music distribution sites!
The CD is a 2-CD set in a foil-stamped sleeve case and is priced at \3,300 JPY (including tax) ($30.7 USD), while the digitally distributed version is priced at \2,444 JPY (including tax) ($22.7 USD), but the price may differ depending on the distribution site, so please check when you purchase.
The CD is a little more expensive, but it comes in a foil-stamped sleeve case, and I want to keep it with me, so I might buy the CD.... But I want to listen to it right away, so I might as well buy it digitally.... When I'm torn, I'll go for both...? Talk to your wallet!
Summer is coming. Let's go out and play some great songs with them!
For more information on GBVS, please visit the official Granblue Fantasy Versus website!