ROG Keris Wireless" was just released on March 5, 2021 (Friday) from ASUS' gaming brand "ROG", which is designed to win.
Many of our editorial staff are ASUS freaks, but when we were wondering whether we should buy it on the day of its release, the "ROG Keris Wireless" suddenly appeared in our editorial office!
気分によってサイドボタンの色が替えれるので、ゲーム以外の作業も捗りそう☺️#ROG #ROGKeris #ゲーミングマウス— Saiga NAK (@saiganak) March 11, 2021
We had no choice but to review it right away...! But before we begin the review, we'll do our customary(?) opening of the box! Let's start with the opening ceremony, as is customary before reviewing a product!
ROG Keris Wireless" outer box

The product package looks like this.
It supports both 2.4GHz and Bluetooth connections.

The back of the package and what is included.
As you can see, not only wireless connection but also wired connection is supported.
Tri-mode connectivity (wired/2.4GHz/Bluetooth) is a nice feature of "ROG Keris Wireless".
Well-rounded package

The mouse itself, the wired cable, and replaceable side buttons are included.
In addition, replacement parts for the switches and mouse sole, which tend to wear out, are included.
It's great to be able to use your favorite mouse for a long time.

Here are some details of the mouse body. The simple design with the ROG logo looks cool!

From the side.
I like the subtle ROG logo...!

Interchangeable side buttons.
Not only gray, which matches the image of the mouse, but also magenta with an accent is available.

From the front.
The connection is via USB Type-C, which is now the de facto standard.
Although Type-C seems to be the norm, there are still many mice that connect via microUSB, so this is another nice feature.

The back of the mouse.
Because ASUS is expanding its business globally, there are many technical certification marks on the back of the mouse.
(Of course, there is also a Japanese technical certification mark.)
This is the reason why ASUS is so well known and loved all over the world.
The wired cable is quite soft.

The wired cable is lightweight and lightweight "ROG Paracord.
The wired cable that comes with a wireless mouse has a strong image of being a bonus, but the ROG Keris Wireless wired cable is just as flexible as a high-performance wired mouse, thanks to its "tri-mode connection" feature. The "ROG Keris Wireless" wired cable is as flexible as a high-performance wired mouse.
The "ROG Paracord" is said to have been improved, and it certainly feels softer than the cable of the "ROG Gladius II" that I use.
Opening ceremony is over! Now, there is a campaign for purchasers!
That's it for the ROG Keris Wireless!
In the next article, we will report on how it feels to actually use it!
Let's write about "ROG Keris Wireless"!
Also, the " ROG Keris Wireless Device Review Campaign " is currently being held.
The first 50 people to purchase a ROG Keris Wireless and post a review on Amazon,, or other review sites will receive a ROG Sheath gaming mouse pad as a free gift! By the way, I use the "ROG Sheath" and it is so comfortable that it feels great even when I touch it directly with my hand.
Please buy "ROG Keris Wireless" and submit your review!
For more details, please check the campaign page!
【ROG Keris Wirelessレビューキャンペーン】
ROG Keris Wirelessを購入・レビューして先着50名様にマウスパッド「ROG Sheath」をプレゼント!キャンペーン期間 :3/10~4/4まで
— ROG Japan (@ASUSROGJP) March 12, 2021