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GameWith's free online seminar for corporate clients, "Get Fans Moving! How to Select Game Influencers and Planning Examples" will be held on September 18!


GameWith, Inc., one of Japan's largest game media companies, will hold a free online seminar, "Get Fans Moving! How to Select and Plan Game Influencers" on Wednesday, September 18, 2024.

Free seminar for companies considering influencer initiatives

Get Fans Moving! How to select and plan for game influencers

Free online seminar "Move the Fans! How to Select and Plan for Game Influencer Programs" will discuss the "influencer programs" that are now indispensable in game marketing, including successful examples, how to select influencers that meet the needs of your target audience, and specific tips on how to make your programs most effective. This seminar is free of charge, and you can learn specific points to make your influencer marketing efforts most effective. The seminar is free of charge, so if your company is interested in influencer marketing, why not take this opportunity to attend?

Seminar Details

Participation is free of charge. It will be held on Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 12:00 to 13:00 for one hour and will be held online via Zoom webinar. You can participate by completing the application form on the GameWith official website and then accessing the viewing URL that will be sent to you.

Seminar Contents

  • Classification of influencers who can influence gamers
  • How to choose the best influencer
  • How to set up a mechanism to move viewers
  • Success stories and their effects on game title operations and communities

Recommended for those who

  • Those who are considering influencer promotion but do not know how to do it
  • Want to make the most of influencer programs
  • Worried about planning to move viewers

This seminar will be a star attraction for companies struggling with influencer measures, which are now indispensable as a means of reaching a wide range of generations. "Move Your Fans! How to choose influencers for games and planning examples" can be found on GameWith's official website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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GameWith, Inc.​