What do you think of when you hear the word "Hokkaido"? Some of you may have fond memories ofdisappearing to Okhotsk, buying " wapshoots " at a mysterious store, or being rescued by a righteous matagi after fighting a killer brown bear to protect his girlfriend. If you are familiar with the game industry, you may remember that many game developers are located in Sapporo, Hokkaido, and many good games are released from Sapporo to the rest of the world. Sapporo is a game developer's paradise! We visited the " SAPPORO GAME CAMP " booth of Sapporo-based game developers at Tokyo Game Show 2024.
Project RAIZIN", an R&D title by Eighting Co.
One of the most eye-catching exhibits at the booth was Eighting's " Project RAIZIN," an action game created with Unreal Engine 5, but the game was created for research and development purposes only and is not scheduled for release.
In the version exhibited at the Tokyo Game Show, you can test play one stage at the beginning of the game and the final stage, in which you have to defeat a huge enemy called "RAIZIN" that awaits you at the far end of the game.

The controls are quite basic. The left stick is used to move, the right stick to adjust the camera, and the attack, jump, and dash action buttons are all used to fight.
Yeah, it's a bit odd. Although there are a lot of buttons, the placement of them is not too strange, and even a first-time player can operate the game intuitively. That's a big help!
Response and game system that creates a sense of exhilaration

By combining the close-range attack button to swing the laser blade and thelong-range attack button to send off slashes, players can perform a variety of exhilarating combos such as the "rotating cross slash linkage" and the "triple slash shot".
The quality of the motion and effects is as good as can be expected! Sparks spark from the hit enemy robot...explosion! The effects are also superb, and each slash seems to have a slight hit stop, which gives a speedy yet reasonably profound feeling. It feels good!
My favorite system is the "Boost Step," a high-speed move triggered by pressing RB.
Not only can it be used by itself as a general-purpose step, but if it is activated after an attack, it can cancel the hardness after the move and lead to another attack. Furthermore, if it is activated just in time for the opponent's attack, it can be used to avoid the attack with no damage. In other words, it is an "all-in-one" button with a system that action lovers will not be able to resist.
Although this is an R&D title, the fact that it uses such a button for technique intervention is indeed a terrifying feat for a company like Eighting, the leader in action games. (Of course, I mean this as a compliment.)
The powerful boss battles are also finely crafted.

When you advance to the far end of the stage, the background changes drastically. Finally, the giant boss "RAIZIN" appears.

Immediately after you see the beautiful contrast of blue and white, you are struck by a flashy lightning strike!

The author was helpless against the RAIZIN's attacks, which were aimed precisely at the player. When the game was over several times, a staff member gave me some advice.
If you observe carefully, you will see a crispy white premonitory effect on the ground before the lightning strikes. I see... I should aim to evade just in time for this timing! Using the "boost step" described above, I managed to defeat the lightning.
By the way...

I suddenly realized something. The name "RAIZIN" may be derived from "RAIZIN (thunder god)," which means "thunder manipulator.
Hmmm... I know of a game company with a name similar to this one...! It is the " RAIZING " company, a sibling company that merged with Eighting in 2000 and is famous for the classic shooters " Battle Gallega " and "Soukyu Kouren-tai ".
As many of you know, the Rising's sharp game design that sharpens the sense of speed and exhilaration still attracts the vertical shooter crowd.
In fact, this know-how has been passed down from generation to generation and is now taking on a new form as " Project RAIZIN," a sharp game design that combines speed and exhilaration under the latest technology. Is it too much to think that the name "Project RAIZIN" has such a meaning?
Eighting's technological prowess and inquisitive mind conveyed through R&D titles

Project RAIZIN," which we had the opportunity to try out.
Although it is a mock (prototype) version created for the purpose of research and development with no current plans for release, the high quality demo scenes inserted in the game, the careful and stress-free camera work, and the stress-free feel of the game's controls all attest to the high level of technology that has gone into the game even at the current stage. It is hard to believe that this is a prototype title, and I was very satisfied with the enjoyable play from start to finish.
We will be keeping our eyes on Eighting as they continue their tireless research and development.
Photo & Written by Masked Kiwi Masked Kiwi is a masked writer whose true identity is unknown. The first game he ever played was "Mystery of Convoy.