Cazy Raccoon, a professional gaming team formed in 2018, has announced the establishment of a new division, the STREET FIGHTER division, on Sunday, June 25, 2023. With the establishment of the STREET FIGHTER division, the well-known fighting gamer Dogura(@maneater_dgr) will join the division.
スマブラ部門開設の翌日に快挙!Crazy Raccoon所属のプロトバナム選手がアメリカ・ラスベガスの「Double Down 2022」で優勝!
Dogura Player announced to join CR, new STREET FIGHTER division established!

The pro-gaming team "Cazy Raccoon" (@crazyraccoon406) has established a "STREET FIGHTER Division". Cazy Raccoon" has established divisions such as "Apex Legends", "VALORANT", "Fortnite", etc. This time, "STREET FIGHTER Division" is the 8th division. quot;is the eighth division.
In addition to the establishment of the STREET FIGHTER division, it was also announced that Dogura has joined the division. Dogura is a highly accomplished player who won the Street Fighter SFL2022 World Championship in February 2023 as a member of the Good8squad team. He also participated in the CR CUP (CRAZY RACOON CUP) organized by "cazy Raccoon" at the same time as this announcement, teaming up with @shishirobotan (@shishirobotan ), Kenki (@T_kenki) and others. He commented that he hopes to spread the fun of fighting games. We look forward to seeing more of Dogura in the future.
A trailer announcing Dogura's joining Cazy Raccoon is now available on the official Cazy Raccoon website. Check it out to see Dogura's Street Fighter triumphs and the many gaming titles he has won.