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The topical blockbuster "Cyberpunk 2077" that should have mastered up announced the postponement of release again


Cyberpunk 2077, an open world RPG by CD PROJEKT RED, has been highly anticipated worldwide.
Due to its huge and complex system, the release date has been frequently postponed due to the difficulty in adjusting the game balance and fixing bugs.
We had no choice but to wait because we wanted to make the game the best it could be, but on October 5, it was reported on Twitter that the game had been Gold Master approved (mastered up ), " See you in Night City on November 19! " and foreshadowed a November 19, 2020 launch, much to the delight of fans around the world.
However, the supposedly mastered "Cyberpunk 2077" has once again been postponed...

Postponed due to adjustments for next-generation consoles

Cyberpunk 2077", originally scheduled for release on Thursday, November 19, 2020, has been rescheduled for Thursday, December 10, 2020.
The reason for the postponement is that the game was released at the same time as next-generation consoles such as Xbox Series S/X and PS5, and as a result, adjustments had to be made to ensure smooth playability on the next-generation consoles.
It was announced that the game would be compatible with updates from the Xbox One and PS4 versions, but since the game was released right after the launch of the next-generation consoles, it is certainly necessary to make adjustments if there are people who will play the game on the next-generation consoles from the beginning.
The only thing to do now is to wait and see what happens...
Let's wait and hope that "Cyberpunk 2077" will be the best game ever!


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"Cyberpunk 2077" Announced the Postponement of Release Again...

Cyberpunk 2077, the open-world RPG by CD PROJEKT RED, has been announced that the release has been postponed even further.

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