To celebrate the arrival of new character Sayuri, "DOAXVV" (DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation) is holding a limited time only event called "My Sister's V Stone Festival! ", which will be held for a limited time.
The event will run until December 17, 2019.
"Big Sis's V-Stone Festival! " is a special deal where you can purchase "20,000 paid V-Stones" for "10,000 DMM points".
(Up to 5 items per person during the period)
さゆりさん登場を記念して、お得なVストーンまつり開催♪『 有償Vストーン × 20,000個 』の「お姉ちゃんのVストーンまつり」が、10,000 DMM ポイント!
期間は 12/17(火) 12:59 まで、お一人様5個まで購入できるよ♪ #ブイブイ
— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) December 5, 2019