Atlus' popular RPG "Persona" series celebrated its 25th anniversary on Tuesday, September 20, 2022.
Since September 2021, numerous events have been held under the title of " PERSONA 25th Anniversary Year," and there has been a lot of talk about Persona over the past year.
The events of the 25th anniversary year came to an end with " PERSONA SUPER LIVE P-SOUND WISH 2022 ~Crossing Journeys~ " held on October 8 (Sat.) and 9 (Sun.), 2022. The Persona series is moving on to the next stage.
Before that, it has been announced that "Persona 3 Portable ( P3P)," "Persona 4 the Golden ( P4G)," and "Persona 5 the Royal (P5R)" will be remastered and released on multiple platforms. It has been announced that "P5R" and "P5G" will be remastered and released on multiple platforms, right?
P5R" will be released on October 21, 2022 (Friday), and the long-awaited release dates of "P3P" and "P4G" have finally been decided!
「ペルソナ5 ザ・ロイヤル」リマスター版のPVが公開!オススメ楽曲投票もスタート!
The two games will be released simultaneously on January 19, 2023 (Thursday)!

The release dates for the remastered versions of "P3P" and "P4G" have been set for January 19, 2023 ( Thursday)!
The platforms will be Xbox Game Pass, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, Windows, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Ste am.
Since "P4G" is already available on Steam, only "P3P" will be released on Steam.
Including the upcoming "P5R", the game will be available on most platforms, so those of you who did not have a PS2, PSP, or PS Vita at the time and could not play the game can now play it with full anticipation!
Personally, I feel that playing on the Nintendo Switch or UMPC will bring the game closer to the way it was back then.
The price will be announced later, but since "P4G " is currently available on Steam for 1,980 yen (tax included), there shouldn't be much all! Let's wait and see!
For more information on the remastered version of the Persona series, please check the portal site!
The electronic version of the remastered version of the Persona series distributed at the "PERSONA SUPER LIVE P-SOUND WISH 2022 ~Crossing Journeys~" event is also available on the PERSONA CHANNEL, so be sure to check that out too!
【#P3P #P4G 発売日決定!】
『ペルソナ3 ポータブル』『ペルソナ4 ザ・ゴールデン』のリマスター版は、1月19日発売だ!
※ダウンロード版のみの販売です『ペルソナ』シリーズ3作のリマスター記念、新ビジュアルも初公開! #ペルソナ
— モルガナ_ペルソナ広報 (@p_kouhou) October 8, 2022