"Pokémon Sword Shield" is the latest title in the world's most popular Pokémon series, "Pokémon: Sword Shield".
In January of this year, a major expansion DLC "Expansion Pass" was released!
However, the first part of the announced major expansion, "Isle of Armor" is scheduled to be released on June 30, 2020, and the second part, "Crowned Snowfield" is scheduled to be released on November 30, 2020, so those who have already purchased the Expansion Pass may be getting anxious. But today, June 2, 2020, the "2nd bullet" is scheduled to be released.
But today, Tuesday, June 2, 2020, new information will be released!
"Pokémon Sword Shield" campaign to get Pokemon!
June 2nd at 10pm!
New information about the "Expansion Pass" will be released today, Tuesday, June 2, 2020, at 22:00!
What kind of information will be released and in what form? I hope it will be an announcement of additional Pokémon from past games that will be added to the "Isle of Armor"... I'm looking forward to the announcement!
Check the official "Pokémon Sword Shield" website and theofficial Pokémon Twitter at 10:00 p.m. today for the announcement!
6月2日(火)22時より、Nintendo Switchソフト『ポケットモンスター ソード・シールド エキスパンションパス』に関する新情報の公開が決定!
ぜひチェックしてね!https://t.co/6D0tsz56JB #ポケモン剣盾 pic.twitter.com/YRiHwV3c8W— ポケモン公式 (@Pokemon_cojp) June 1, 2020