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エレキバンのピップ史上初のゲーミングアイテム「プロ・フィッツ for e-SPORTS リストアーマー」発売!
"Pro Fitz for e-SPORTS Wrist Armor" Released from PIP!
まるで宇宙船!RGBライティング搭載のゲーミングルーター ASUS「RT-AX82U」発表!
ASUS "RT-AX82U" Gaming Router with RGB lighting, Announced!
MAD CATZ復活!アケコンとゲームパッドの新作を発表!
MAD CATZ Revival! Akecon and gamepad new releases!
LEVEL∞が第10世代Intel Core i7とGeForce GTX 1660 Ti搭載のゲーミングノートPCを発売
LEVEL∞ Launches Gaming Laptop,10th Generation Intel Core i7!
直感的にボリューム調整が出来る耐水性にも優れたゲーミングキーボード ASUS「TUF Gaming K1」発表
ASUS "TUF Gaming K1", high-spec gaming keyboard Announced!
有線に引けを取らない反応速度を実現したワイヤレスヘッドセット「ロジクールG PRO X WIRELESS LIGHTSPEEDゲーミングヘッドセット」発表
"LogitechG PRO X WIRELESS LIGHTSPEED Gaming Headset"Unveiled!
eスポーツに特化したゲーミングヘッドセット「Razer BlackShark V2」発表
eSports-specific Headset "Razer BlackShark V2", Unveiled!
Ryza "life-size figure commercialization project" has started!
Ready for PlayStation 5!PS5を最高に楽しむためのテレビSony「X900H」「Z8H」発表!
TV Display Sony "X900H", "Z8H" Announced to enjoy PS5 best!
夢の携帯ゲーム互換機「Analogue Pocket」が遂に予約開始を発表!
"Analogue Pocket" finally Announces the Start of Reservations!
"illumi-ON" with 7-color LED release decision!
カスタマイズするならキー単位まで!ライティングを極めたゲーミングキーボード「Razer Cynosa V2」発表!
"Razer Cynosa V2" Gaming Keyboard with Outstanding Lighting!
The second series of knives inspired by the super-hard blades of "The Progressive Titan" will be available for pre-order on March 7 at GARRACK!
The second series of knives inspired by the super-hard blades of "The Progressive Titan" will be available for pre-order on March 7 at GARRACK!
Franck Muller will release a collaboration watch with "Final Fantasy XVI" on Wednesday, March 5! The purchase bonus is a newly-drawn artwork!
Franck Muller will release a collaboration watch with "Final Fantasy XVI" on Wednesday, March 5! The purchase bonus is a newly-drawn artwork!
The voice drama "Sherin Saegusa no Jiken Solution Roku -Party & Trick-" will be released by Niji Sanji on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:00 p.m!
The voice drama "Sherin Saegusa no Jiken Solution Roku -Party & Trick-" will be released by Niji Sanji on Tuesday, March 11, at 6:00 p.m!
Popular picture book "Let's Find the Watermelon Game! Electronic version of the book is now available! The first sticker book of the Watermelon Game is also published!
Popular picture book "Let's Find the Watermelon Game! Electronic version of the book is now available! The first sticker book of the Watermelon Game is also published!
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