What do you think of when you think of shots of alcohol? Many people think of shots from overseas, such as tequila or Jager...but to be honest, don't they have a strong taste? In my case, I sometimes drink it as a boost to get to know people (?). But when it comes time for the other party to drink it, I feel uneasy, thinking, "I hope they won't like it..." (I think it is very welcome to drink it by myself. (I welcome it for drinking by myself.)? I heard from the heavenly voice that " Japanese shots are very good", so I got the " IKKI-IKKI " series of " IKKI-YAKUZEN-SAKE " for shots sold by IKKI Co! Here is a review of how the taste differs from shots from overseas!

We will be drinking " BEAUTY " and " ENERGY " from the "ICHIKI YAKUZEN SHU" series, which are designed to be consumed as single shots. The amount is 15 ml, so it is easy for anyone to finish the drink in one gulp.

BEAUTY" has an alcohol content of 15%, which is the same as the average alcohol content of sake. The inside of the bottle is a slightly pink shot, a cute color that makes it easy to pick up.
- Rose Red
- Hibiscus
- Acai
- Jujube
- Wolfberry
...and other ingredients that are good for you. This will make you feel less guilty when you drink it!

ENERGY" has an alcohol content of 46%!
This is a relatively higher percentage than other famous shots, such as Tequila Sauza (40%) and Tequila Cuervo (38%). The bottle is light brown in color, with what looks like sake lees precipitating at the bottom.
Ingredients include
- guarana
- Maca
- Catuaba
- Muia prama
As it says "ENERGY", it contains ingredients often found in energy drinks.
Let's drink "BEAUTY"!

Now, let's try a sip of "IKKI," which we have been waiting for! Let's start with "BEAUTY"!
When I open the lid, there is a slight rose aroma...!

"Oh, it's pretty easy to drink! It's pretty easy to drink! "
It has a cocktail-like sweetness and a softly rose-like flavor! It has a low alcohol content, and I would recommend this product to anyone who is curious about what it is like.
I think this is a good product for people who are curious about what it is like! The reason for this is that it tastes like it would be easy for everyone to drink, so you don't have to be nervous when someone else drinks it and wonder if it's okay!
Next, let's drink the "ENERGY"!

First of all, it smells like soup stock and has a salty odor. I was imagining "Is this ENERGY...? " and I'm a little worried because it's not what I imagined it to be. I wonder how it will affect the taste...

"Ka!!! "
I can feel the alcohol so much that I can say this is a perfect shot! But the smell is like soup stock, but the strength of the alcohol erases the flavor, and the habit is gone and it feels great down the throat! Even though it has a higher alcohol content than foreign shots, this one is also easy to drink!
Many people may find the aftertaste of foreign shots to be too harsh without a chaser, but this "IKKI" has an aftertaste that is so familiar that you can drink it without a chaser.
I have never encountered a 46% beer with such a high strength yet refreshing taste, so the "ENERGY" became my favorite immediately!
IKKI is now on sale at the official online store!

I couldn't imagine what it would be like to drink a shot of sake, but when I tried it this time, it was much easier to drink and I thought it would be interesting to have more choices of what to drink when it comes out in bars. The drink has no habitual alcohol taste, and it has both high and low alcohol content, so it's easy for anyone to try it.
For more information on " IKKI," please visit the official website of IKKI Co.