The excitement of " Super Smash Bros. Special" (Smash Bros. SP) is at its peak with the release of " Sephiroth," a new fighter from FINAL FANTASY VII.
I can't handle the "Shadow Flare" special move, but my online opponents are always using it well. I need to practice!
The 5th " Smash Bros. SP Online Challenge " was held on December 5, 2020, as an annual event of Smash Bros. SP in 2020.
The event was held in collaboration with the 35th anniversary of Super Mario Bros. and was a lot of fun as the available fighters, stages, and items were limited to Mario characters.
The final of the "5th Smash Bros. SP Online Challenge" will be held on Sunday, December 27! It will be broadcast on TV!
マリオ35周年コラボ!「第5回 スマブラSP オンラインチャレンジ」開催決定!
The Last Online Challenge of 2020!
The "5th Smash Bros. SP Online Challenge Final " will be a final competition for the top challengers who received high scores in the "5th Smash Bros. SP Online Challenge" held on December 5.
The tournament will be held in a tournament format with 8 challengers who have achieved a high ranking and have expressed their desire to participate in the final.
This time, the available fighters are "Mario", "Luigi", "Beach", "Daisy", "Bowser", "Dr. Mario", "Rosetta & Chico" & "Rosetta & Chico ". Bowser is quite common in the game, as he was limited to 9 fighters: "Bowser Jr.", "Pac-N-Flower", "Rosetta & Chico", and "Bowser ". No choice!
In the finals, each match was played two battles ahead of the other. Fighters, stages, and items were limited to the Super Mario series, the same as in the preliminary round.
The qualifying round was a 4-player slugfest format, but the finals will be a 1-on-1 stock system.
The final will be broadcast on YouTube Live from 16:00 on Sunday, December 27, 2020.
The live broadcast will be conducted by Mr. Shohei Taguchi and commented by Mr. 9B, so those who are watching for the first time can rest assured that the content of the broadcast will be easy to understand!

This will probably be the last online challenge of 2020. Don't miss the moment when the last champion of the year is born!
For more information, please visit Nintendo's website!
「第5回 #スマブラSPオンラインチャレンジ 決勝大会」、12月27日(日) 16時より放送決定!
先日 #スーパーマリオ35周年 にちなんで開催された、オンラインチャレンジの上位選手8名によるトーナメントをYouTubeとにて中継します。ぜひご覧ください。— 大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズ【スマブラ公式】 (@SmashBrosJP) December 23, 2020