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TGS2024】Riot Games, Narutokyo, and Wemade booth reports! TFT stage events, "Night Crows" test play area, and more!

【TGS2024】Riot Games、鳴潮、Wemadeブースレポート!TFTステージイベントや「Night Crows」試遊エリアなど

Taipei Game Show 2024 (Taipei Game Show 2024) was held in Taiwan for four days from Thursday, January 25 to Sunday, January 28, 2024. This time, we bring you a report from the Taipei Game Show 2024, featuring the Taiwan Gede/Riot Games booth, the Mingtide booth, and the Wemade booth!

Taiwan Gede/Riot Games booth

台灣大哥大/Riot GamesブースSaiga NAK

Joint booth of Taiwan Mobile Co. and Riot Games.

Mr. Meoriah
Saiga NAK

Mr. Meoriah, a member of Riot's development team, took the stage on the main stage.

ちびプレステージ龍拳リー・シンSaiga NAK

He showed concept designs of the little champions that appeared in the "Team Fight Tactics" event "Moon Festival 2024," which is being held until around 4:00 a.m. on February 23, 2024 (Japan time). The development staff talked about their work and behind-the-scenes stories about the designs.

LoL exhibition match
Saiga NAK

In addition, former professional players NL, Liang, and Chawy from the "League of Legends" appeared and held an exhibition match.

PCS ALL-STAR at Taipei Game Show 2024
PCS ALL-STAR at Taipei Game Show 2024
PCS ALL-STAR at Taipei Game Show 2024Saiga NAK

In addition, there will be a PCS All-Star event featuring current players Karsa and Maple...

  • Driver (BYG)
  • Betty (PSG)
  • SwordArt (CFO)
  • Woody(PSG)
  • Taco(DCG)
  • Kongyue(JT)
  • ShengBai(HPS)
  • GodJJ(HPS)

.......and other star players will participate in the tournament! A one-day special match was held.

台灣大哥大/Riot Gamesブース
Taiwan Riot Games booth
Saiga NAK

Photo spots and gift campaigns were held at the booth.

台灣大哥大/Riot Gamesブース
Taiwan Grand Republic/Riot Games booth
Saiga NAK

Peng also made an appearance. He is too cute!

台灣大哥大/Riot Gamesブース
Taiwan Grand Republic/Riot Games booth
Saiga NAK

A BOT shooting challenge was also held to win a limited-edition "VALORANT" hoodie. How many hard BOTs in the shooting range can you beat?

Narutokyo booth

鳴潮ブースSaiga NAK

The open world RPG "Narutio" is scheduled to be released in Japan.

試遊Saiga NAK

There was a line of people waiting to have a chance to try out the game.

巨大スタチューとステージSaiga NAK

Behind the booth, there was a giant statue and a stage.

Naru-shio cosplay
Saiga NAK

The start date and time of the Closed Beta Test 2 has just been set for Monday, February 19, 2024, at 11:00 am. Don't forget to apply from the official Narutio website as the call for participants ends on Wednesday, February 7, 2024 at 7:00 PM!

Wemade Booth

WemadeブースSaiga NAK

Korean game maker Wemade also exhibited a booth.

Fantastic4 BaseballSaiga NAK

The company's booth featured "Night Crows," an open-world MMORPG using Unreal Engine 5, and "Fantastic4 Baseball," a new sports game for smartphones.

Night CrowsSaiga NAK

"Night Crows" is an MMORPG currently in service in South Korea. Global pre-orders, including Japan, will begin in January 2024.

The game focuses on the formation of an economy using blockchain technology, and is also attracting attention as a web3 game.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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