The second Starcode "Shiny Parfum (Patty)" is now available in the DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation (DOAXVV) series.
明るくて楽しくて、セクシーなパティさんの魅力たっぷりの新PV、見てね♥10連ガチャ1回分やレアアイテムがもらえるログボなど、お得なキャンペーンも開催中♪#DOAXVV #ブイブイ
— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) May 28, 2020
Promide to be released
The second Starcode "Shiny Perfume" will be available until Thursday, June 11 at 3:59 pm.
The following promo items are available

Extra episode of "Fresh Clothes"!
If you complete the mission to photograph "Patty" in the SSR swimsuit "Shiny Parfum (Patty)", you will be able to open an extra episode of the "Fresh Dress Up" campaign.
Please note that the above "Extra Episode" cannot be opened after the "Star Corde Gacha (Patty)" ends.