"Dragon Quest IV Event" is going strong in the middle part of the Dragon Quest Walk.
The game is very well-balanced, but there are some things that I wish were better.
It is a very well-balanced game, but to be honest, there are a few areas where I wish it were better.
Version 1.3.0 has been released to address these issues!
"Dragon Quest IV Event", Fukubiki start in Dragon Quest Walk!
New party switching function!

For those of you who started playing right after the launch of the service, your first job has probably reached level 50 or higher, and you have probably changed jobs.
Since changing jobs means starting from level 1, the abilities are reduced and the cost of Kokoro (spirit) is also reduced, which limits the number of Kokoro you can equip, making for a tough battle.
It is nice to be able to learn the permanent skills of each profession and increase your base abilities, but it is surprisingly difficult to get to that point.
The biggest problem with changing jobs is that it makes it tougher to challenge advanced levels of event stories, mega monsters, and powerful monsters.
Level 40 is the recommended level, so if you have to raise the level of your second profession to that level, the event itself will end before you get to the next level.
If you tried to return to the profession you were leveling up, all your Kokoro would be removed, and you couldn't remove all your equipment at once to replace it, so it became a hassle for many people.
The "Switch Party" function is for those who want to switch parties.
Now you can easily switch to a pre-set party!

"Switching parties" has been added to the menu in the "Reserve" menu.
Clicking "Create Party" will copy the current party settings and create a new party.

If you have made new settings such as profession, equipment, etc., and then press "Overwrite with current party" in the "Switch party" menu, the settings will be overwritten.

You can save multiple party settings by repeating this process.
It is convenient to create a party with not only level and occupation, but also the attributes that are effective against the most powerful monsters and mega monsters at the time, so that you can switch between them only at the right moment in the battle!
The "Party Switching" function will be opened when you advance to Chapter 2, Episode 5 of the main quest.
New Walk mode settings!
One of the most convenient features of Dracula Walk is the "Walk Mode".
If you turn it on, you can automatically battle monsters and crack open jars, and gain levels and items even if you leave your phone in your pocket or bag. It's also a great way to prevent walking on your phone.
The problem, however, is when you are wiped out by a strong monster or a strong enemy monster that has risen too high in level.
You will repeatedly fight even when you have 1 HP, and when you realize after a while that you are being wiped out all over again, you will almost fall off your knees....
To avoid such a situation, you can now set the behavior of the walk mode!

Tap the "Settings" menu in the lower left corner of the screen when in Walk mode.
Tap "Settings" in the lower left corner of the screen, then tap "Walk Mode Settings" to configure the behavior in Walk Mode.

In "Battle with Monsters", you can turn on/off the battle with monsters when you come in contact with them.
"Battle with Monsters" allows you to turn on/off the battle when you come in contact with a powerful monster.
The "Percentage of HP remaining to battle" determines the percentage of HP remaining to battle the monster. 1%, 25%, 50%, or 75% can be selected.
The "Auto Mantan" setting allows you to turn on or off the automatic "Jumon de Mantan" when the HP drops below the "Percentage of remaining HP to battle".
I turned on "Battle with monsters" and "Battle with strong monsters" and set the "percentage of remaining HP to battle" to 50% as a safety measure. I turned on the "Auto Mantan" option.
This will reduce the number of times you find yourself repeatedly getting wiped out, and will help you level up!
Various other modifications and adjustments
In addition to the "Party Switch" and "Walk Mode Settings", the following items have been fixed and adjusted
- In event quests and sub-quests, we have adjusted the display to give priority to the highest difficulty level among the difficulty levels that have been completed before.
- Adjustments have been made so that a message will appear when a player is disabled due to poison, poison, or jibaria type effects.
- Fixed a problem in the reinforcement screen where, after adding experience to the maximum amount, the user could still reinforce beyond the limit by selecting a reinforcement stone or other item of beauty.
- Fixed a problem in which the shadow of a DQIV event adventurer would continue to be displayed.
- Fixed an issue where an error would occur at the exchange counter when clicking the exchange button for a gift enhancement item when the maximum number of items in one's possession had been exceeded.
- Fixed a bug where a message would appear when a powerful monster was defeated.
- Fixed a problem in which rewards were not awarded when defeated by jibarias in mega monster fights.
- Fixed a bug that caused the volume of sound effects to drop when sounds were played in succession.
- Fixed a bug in which a helper would not act when a monster called for a companion during a DQIV event battle.
- Changed the remodeling of the data folder.
Some glitches I had noticed, and some I was like, "There was such a glitch? ", and many other areas have been fixed.
From now on, those of you starting up for the first time after the update, make sure you download it in a place with a good communication environment!
Updates to make the game even more comfortable
Dracula Walk is now more playable with a number of updates.
Personally, I'm quite happy with the "walk mode setting".
I'm in the middle of leveling up and my current party can't beat Andreal in the advanced level of the DQIV event quest, so I'm going to use the "party switch" to create a party of high leveled players!
Please check Dragon Quest Walk "Important Notice" for more details!