Season 2 will begin on Tuesday, January 17, 2023. The long-awaited " Shingo Yabuki " has already been announced for " THEKING OF FIGHTERS X V" (hereinafter referred to as "KOF XV") in the spring of 2023, and in addition to that, "Sylvie Paula Paula" and "Najd" will also be announced for the summer of 2023. Sylvie Paula Paula " and " Najd " have also been announced for the summer of 2023, so the excitement for KOF XV will not die down this year! KOF XV is also a popular e-sports title, and various tournaments are being held around the world, with the EVO Japan 2023 being one of the largest and most recent. With less than two months to go until the event takes place from March 31, 2023 (Friday) to April 2, 2023 (Sunday), those who plan to participate have probably already entered the tournament and are hard at work practicing. All players who participate in the KOF XV tournament will receive an original T-shirt, and the winner will be invited to participate in the " SNK World Championship 2023 " finals scheduled to be held in the spring of 2024. So if you're considering competing, you're in luck! Of course, the excitement of the main tournament, KOF XV, doesn't end there. SNK will have a booth at EVO Japan 2023 !
『KOF XV』トーナメント出場選手全員にオリジナルTシャツをプレゼント!
「EVO Japan 2023」の『KOF XV』トーナメントに出場した選手全員に、「KOF XVオリジナルTシャツ」をプレゼント!Tシャツは3月31日にSNKブース受付にてお渡しします。 #KOF15 #KOFXV #EVOJ23
— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) February 6, 2023
SNK official tournaments for 4 titles will be held!

The SNK booth at EVO Japan 2023 will host a variety of events, but the highlight of the event will be the official tournaments for four popular SNK titles! The highlight of the event will be an official tournament with four popular SNK titles: "THE KING OF FIGHTERS'98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION," "SAMURAI SPIRITS," "GARO MARK OF THE WOLVES," "GARO DENSETSU SPECIAL&" and "GARO DENSETSU SPECIAL&." The tournament will be held at the SNK booth. Entries are now being accepted at! Each title will be played in a double elimination format with 64 players per title, and prizes of 100,000 yen for first place ,50,000 yen for second place , and20,000 yen for third place will be awarded. This will be an official tournament for one of SNK's most popular titles, and together with KOF XV, it will surely accelerate the excitement of EVO Japan 2023! The dates and times will differ for each title, so be sure to check the dates and times before entering. Also, the tournament outline and rules have been posted on, so be sure to read and agree to them before entering!
- Friday, March 31, 2023, 10:00am- : "THE KING OF FIGHTERS'98 ULTIMATE MATCH FINAL EDITION"
- March 31, 2023 (Fri.) 16:00 - : "SAMURAI SPIRITS" (Japanese only)
- Saturday, April 1, 2023, 10:00 - : "FATAL FURY MARK OF THE WOLVES
- April 1, 2023 (Sat) 16:00 - : "FATAL FURY LANDLORD SPECIAL" (Japanese only)
SNKブースにて『KOF ’98 UM FE』『SAMURAI SPIRITS』『餓狼MotW』『餓狼伝説SPECIAL』のオフシャル大会を開催!
ただいまエントリー受付中です!ぜひご参加ください。 #EVOJ23
— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) February 6, 2023
Original posters for visitors!

If you visit the SNK booth on April 1, 2023 (Saturday ), the second day of the event, you will receive a " KOF XV Original Poster " featuring an illustration by Tomohiro Nakata, the main designer of KOF XV! I'm curious to see what the design will be, but it seems that it will be a surprise on the day of the event or is still a secret at this point. Be aware that the number of posters is limited, so only the first 1,000 people to arrive will receive one! Since the SNK booth is inevitably crowded, it would be better to arrive early. Let's head to the SNK booth first on Saturday, April 1, 2023!
Kim Kak Hwan" will be available for preview!

On the last day of the event, April 2, 2023 (Sunday), there will be an advanced test play of " Kim Kaffan," which will be released in KOF XV in the spring of 2023! Since "Kim Kaffan" is a regular character in KOF, many people have been waiting for his release, so we are very happy to be able to play him ahead of others, and the fact that he is ready to play at the level of "EVO Japan 2023" means that we can assume that he will be released soon. If the game is ready to be played, it seems safe to assume that the distribution will be close at the EVO Japan 2023! We expect that the advance play corner will be quite crowded, so please come early!
『KOF XV』DLCキャラクター「キム」の先行試遊を実施!
SNKブースにて、2023年春配信予定の『KOF XV』シーズン2 DLCキャラクター第2弾「キム・カッファン」をいち早くプレイできる先行試遊コーナーを設置。ぜひお楽しみください。
— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) February 6, 2023
Clear file giveaway on April 2nd!

Following the original poster on April 1 (Sat.), there will be another gift for visitors on April 2 (Sun.). The " KOF XV Original Clear File, " featuring an illustration by Tomohiro Nakata, will be given away as a present! This is also limited to the first 1,000 people who arrive, and since there will be a chance to try out "Kim Kak Hwan," there is a good chance it will run out quickly. It looks like the SNK booth will be the first stop every day at EVO Japan 2023.
There are many other events in the works!
The SNK booth is still full of events at this stage, but more events are being planned! More information will be announced on SNK's official Twitter account (@SNKPofficial_jp), so don't forget to check it out! To commemorate the decision to exhibit at the booth, a campaign to win a " KOF XV esports T-shirt " has started! Three lucky winners who follow SNK's official Twitter account (@SNKPofficial_jp ) and retweet the campaign tweets will win a cool KOF XV esports T-shirt. Entries will be accepted until February 12, 2023 (Sun.), which is not long enough to enter, so retweet now! For more details, please visit SNK's official website!
【SNK #RTキャンペーン】
「EVO Japan 2023」SNKブース出展記念キャンペーンを開催!このアカウントのフォロー&RTで、KOF XV esports Tシャツが3名様に当たる(2/12まで)!
▼SNKブースの詳細はコチラ! #KOF15 #KOFXV #EVOJ23
— SNK JAPAN (@SNKPofficial_jp) February 6, 2023