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Details of the puppet forgery and new monsters, the release date will also be released! "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Special Program 2022.8.9" will be released on August 9 (Tue) 23:00!

傀異錬成や新モンスターの詳細、配信日も!「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク スペシャルプログラム 2022.8.9」が8月9日(火)午後11時より配信!

Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break " was released on June 30, 2022 (Thursday) as a major expansion to the "Monster Hunter Rise" series.
A month has passed since its release, and many of you must have played through all the new content by now.
Here's some good news for those hunters seeking that kind of excitement!
At long last, " Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break Special Program 2022.8.9 " is now available!

Special Program 2022.8.9 is now available!

Monster Hunter Rise: SunBreak" will receive "free title updates" in August 2022, Autumn 2022, Winter 2022, and 2023.
The "Free Title Update" in August 2022 will bring back the "Narugakuruga Rare Species" and the "Bakuryu Bazergius" as resurrected monsters, as well as a new system called "Kugui Rensei" & "Kaiirensei" (quot;free title update). The implementation of the new system "Kaii rensei" & "quot;was also announced.

On social networking sites, many people were asking, "But that doesn't matter, when is the distribution date? Many people on social networking sites were asking, "When will it be distributed?" Some people even asked, "Will it be distributed at 9:00 on August 11? The announcement of the new game was so exciting that hunters' hearts were restless.
This announcement may have calmed the minds of such hunters.

The "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break Special Program 2022.8.9" will be recorded and distributed live on Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 11:00 pm.
Expect to hear about new content and monsters!
For more information on Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break Special Program 2022.8.9, please visit the program's special website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

74013傀異錬成や新モンスターの詳細、配信日も!「モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク スペシャルプログラム 2022.8.9」が8月9日(火)午後11時より配信!
  • Nintendo Switch
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