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LoL gaming "Project L" is based on 2v2! The latest video explaining duo play has been released, and a playable demo will be unleashed at the EVO in August.

LoL格ゲー「Project L」の基本は2v2!デュオプレイを解説する最新映像が公開、8月のEVOでプレイアブルデモ解禁へ

Riot Games has released the latest video and a special site for " Project L," a fighting game that shares the same worldview as LoL (League of Legends). The video explains how to play as a duo in a 2 vs. 2 match, and announces that a playable demo will be shown at the EVO.

LoLの格ゲー「Project L」の最新映像が公開!基本アクションやタッグバトルのシステムを解説

Project L is based on 2 vs. 2 team play

On Thursday, July 27, 2023 (Japan time), the latest information on "Project L," which is being developed with the idea of "bringing a new wind to the fighting game," was released.

In December 2022, a video explaining the tag team battle system that will be the core of "Project L" was released, but the new announcement revealed that each player will be able to control only one character (champion). In other words, "Project L" matches will be based on a two player versus two player team battle.

One versus two is also supported.

However, it is not necessary to form a team, and "1 vs. 1" and "1 vs. 2" are also supported, allowing a single player to control two characters. In either case, the game is designed to provide a smooth and rewarding gaming experience.

Fuse," a unique system that selects the cooperative play method

Selecting the fuse before the match

The "fuse" can be selected on the character selection screen before the match. The "2X ASSIST" and "DOUBLE DOWN" can be seen in the video.

The "2X ASSIST" allows the player to use two assists in a row. DOUBLE DOWN" is described as "being able to combine Ultimate", but the details are unknown.

Along with the explanatory video, a video of a duo game played by the development staff was also shown. The video shows that each round lasts 120 seconds, tag teams swapping, and the flashy performance of the Ultimate.

Playable demo will be exhibited at EVO in Las M. Bisons, U.S.A.

Demo Exhibit at EVO

A demo of "Project L" will be on display on the exhibition floor at EVO, the world's largest fighting game tournament to be held from August 4 (Friday) to 6 (Sunday), 2023 (local time). No registration is required to play, and four characters will be available for use. Three of the characters have been announced on the "Project L" special site, and the remaining one is still unknown. The other characters are unknown. The characters already announced include "Jinx" and "Ilaoi," but we will wait for further information.

Playable character "Darius

ノクサスの戦斧 ダリウス
The War Axe of Noxus Darius
"Project L"特設サイト

Darius has risen from humble beginnings to become a fearsome warrior who slays the enemies of the empire one after another. Specializing in mid-range combat, this fighter is equipped with a devastating attack, as evidenced by his massive axe.

"Project L"特設サイト

Playable character "Echo".

砕けた時を渡る少年 エコー
Echo, a boy who crosses shattered time
"Project L"特設サイト

Born in the rough and tumble back streets of Zoun, Echo is a boy genius who twists time to his advantage, no matter the adversity. He uses his own invention, the "Zero Drive," to overwhelm his opponents with tricky combos and blinding speed.

"Project L"特設サイト

Playable character "Ary

九尾の狐 アーリ
Arli, the Nine-Tailed Fox
"Project L"特設サイト

Ary is a fox-like Vastaya who manipulates the emotions of her prey and sucks their energy. This mage boasts high mobility and specializes in using a variety of attacks to hunt down his enemies.

"Project L"特設サイト


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