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Summer ZONe! This summer ZONe "ZONe Crazy Vacances" will be released! Summer ZONe video with dazzling tanned skin is now available!

Summerぞ~んィエェェィ!この夏のZONe「ZONe Crazy Vacances」発売決定!日焼けした肌が眩しいサマーぞん子動画も公開中!

At the time of writing this article, it is the end of May 2023. The May blues that plague us every year will soon be over, but the rainy season has already started in western Japan, and the rainy season will soon begin in eastern Japan as well. The rainy season will soon begin in eastern Japan as well, bringing gloomy days. It would be refreshing if we could at least have a holiday weekend, but after Golden Week, the next national holiday is Marine Day. This year it will be July 17 (Monday, national holiday), which is quite far away. I am sure that those of you who have to work hard in such a situation are still taking help from energy drinks today, but the change of season is also the time for new products to go on sale! Each manufacturer announces and releases new products and flavors, and " ZONe ENERGY " is one of them that always releases unique new flavors. Most recently, ZONe FRUITS MIX BOOST " and " ZONe HAPPPPPPY TEA ( Happi ~~~~~ tee~!) " and many other fruity, easy-to-drink flavors, ZONe has announced a new ZONe flavor for this summer, " ZONe Crazy Vacances."

飲み切りサイズZONe「QUICK BOOST」がバージョンアップ!果汁30%の「FRUITS MIX BOOST」も新登場!

This one will make you feel like you are on a crazy island!

ZONe Crazy Vacances

ZONe Crazy

ZONe ENERGY公式Twitter

"ZONe Crazy Vacances" is a new ZONe flavor for summer 2023 that will make you feel like you are on summer vacation. It is a bottle that will make you feel like you are on vacation, with tropical flavors such as " God Mango " and " Heaven Pineapple," which contain 11% fruit juice! The packaging design is also very eye-catching, resembling a suitcase with lots of stickers on it! The tropical fruit juice in the drink makes it very easy to drink, so even people who do not usually drink energy drinks can enjoy it. ZONe Crazy Vacances" will go on sale on June 6, 2023 (Tuesday ), and for those who want to know more about the product, ZONe's official ambassador, Ms. Noriko (@zone_eculture), has posted a video on YouTube's NorikoCh. ZONe's official ambassador, Ms. Noriko (@zone_eculture) has posted a video on YouTube NosonkoCh!

The gap between the tired Ms. No zumiko and the excited Ms. Summer Nozumiko on Crazy Island is very nice, but please understand that it does not necessarily tell you what kind of product it is! The release date of June 6, 2023 (Tuesday) is still a little far from the summer season, but you can enjoy the summer vacation feeling at Crazy Island with "ZONe Crazy Vacances" ahead of others!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

Suntory ZONe Crazy Vacances 24 bottles
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