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When I registered as a gaming side job, it was a gaming scam ...? I registered as a "side job in the game" that you can experience with LINE friends!


With the recent outbreak of the new coronavirus, I have been finding it difficult to get out of the house, and while browsing YouTube, I came across an advertisement for a "side job through games" by Ambitious Corporation!

Just add friends on LINE to get information and experience the woo-hoo! I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure there is a lot of anxiety.
There is little information and a lot of uncertainty, but it seems like a dream come true to be able to make money just by playing games!

This report was written by Hiroaki Murata, a well-known " PakuTaso " model who is known for his e-sports free materials.

Gaming activity that's all the rage these days?


In Saiga NAK, we have introduced platforms such as " nicee," " GameRoom," and " Goplay " that allow users to earn money by playing live games.
Perhaps this service is one of those. Gaming mommy life? I secretly hope so....
However, there's not much information available, so I'm a little apprehensive...


Yes, yes, that's exactly right. The world is full of uncertainty, isn't it?


It's true that I've been spending more and more time dabbling lately, working less and less as a model, palmist, counselor, etc...


I have a feeling this could be a business opportunity...
I registered right away!

I registered as a LINE friend.


After registering, I thought I received an immediate response from some cute character...
CASINO... An online casino... No, it's not a casino!

I was just fantasizing about the "gaming mommy life" instead of the "gaming daddy life" that is now making headlines around the world! I was just fantasizing about something like that, so I was not very excited! In the first place, can this even be called a side job?

However, a chance to earn money by gambling?
I couldn't hide my confusion as to whether I could put it in the category of a side job, but I went ahead with it anyway.


A system that even beginners can easily earn 100,000 yen...is there such a thing as a good deal!


I know there are some perks you get with free registration, but a 99% return rate!
That's not gambling anymore!

Hmm, I mean...Mistino?

What is Online Casino Mistino?


The online casino Mistino was introduced to us.
According to our research, the operator is a foreign company called Curisle N.V., and the license they obtained is also registered in the Dutch island of Curaçao.
Curaçao is known as a license-issuing country for online casinos....
What does this have to do with the side business? Where is the information on how to make money in gaming and woohoo?


Only 100 yen to 500,000 yen!
I want to know! So I honestly chose "I want to know! I chose "I want to know!


This is...not a way to earn money, but a "testimonial.
What I want to hear is "how to earn money", not "what people have experienced"!
While I felt that the Q&A session was not quite right, the conversation went on and on and on...


When you play Hawaiian Dream, 100 yen turns into 500,000 yen in 10 minutes.
The profit is 499,900 yen... huh, fascinating... (sigh)


The information is still flowing one way or another, but stay with us.
Now I've compared casinos to other forms of gambling. Still no info on the sidelines?


Hmmm...I see.
An approach to how casinos can make money...at the beginning, 99% return is changed to about 99% here.

If 99% reduction, then the win rate is...currently not written.
If 99% is the reduction, the win rate is 30 to 50% if you are very lucky...honestly, no different than any gambling.


You don't wait for a response, it is delivered one way or the other.


It switches to talking about funds, and despite the fact that it's billed as sideline information, it's a promotion of a bonus and a bargain that allows you to play more often by investing.
The conversion to cash is in "dollars," not Japanese yen, as I found out.


The conversation moves on to the topic of how to deposit money. Up to this point, I had not taken any action.
The conversation continued, although I was a bit confused...


They kindly tell us how to deposit money without money, such as credit cards, eco-pays, and virtual currency.
Deposit...or be deposited!


Multiple casino registrations?
In fact, they tell you that you can earn many times more by introducing and registering with casinos other than Mistino together...
Is it just me, or does this seem to be drifting away from the original " side h ustle with games"?


It's almost like I'm being solicited for an online business rather than a way to make money on the side by playing games.
You can make money by playing the initial game? How exciting! is no longer the case.


They want to tell you that Mistino is the best place to make money and that you can also make money by dabbling in other online casino sites.
This time, when I registered about the gaming side business, I experienced that I was introduced to online casinos.

I was introduced to other online casinos besides Mistino, but that's not the point...





We want to know how we can make money on the side while playing games!

So, I signed up with the expectation of "Gaming side job! I went through the registration process with high expectations, only to be greeted with an advertisement encouraging me to sign up for an online casino.

What was the "gaming side job" after all?

By the way, this "gaming on the side" service (is it a service?) is operated by a company called "Gaming on the Side". The company that operates this "side job in games" service (is it a service?) is RELAISE Corporation...?

RELAISE? Ambitious? Which one?


Apparently, it was first called "MDP Inc."


Now it seems to be called "Ambitious Inc.
Which company name is correct after all?


Apparently, Ambitious is the correct name, and they deny that it is a sideline business, even though it is listed as a sideline business....
After proceeding, I found out that it was not a gaming side business, gaming side business, or anything else, but a solicitation for online casinos....

If you want to make a "side job in gaming," you should become a YouTuber, a professional gamer, or a gaming writer like me!
That's all for now, if you have any interesting gaming-related stories, I'd love to hear them!

▼Photo & Written by Hiroaki Murata
PAKUTASO: https://www.pakutaso.com/web_murata.html
URL: https: //sherlock1985.hatenablog.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hiroakiblog
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/murata_hiroaki_social_blog/


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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