The SSR swimsuit "Blue Elfin" for Lobelia is now available in the Dead or Alive series "DOAXVVV" (DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation). Blue Elfin" swimsuit for Lobelia is now available.
【「ロベリア (CV #古賀葵 )」第2弾PV】
さらに「10連1回分の無償Vストーン」など豪華報酬がもらえる期限限定ログボも?#DOAXVV #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) January 28, 2021
Promise to be released
The Trend Coordinate Gacha, in which "Blue Elfin" can be obtained, will be open until 23:59 on February 9 (Tue.).
The following promo items are available