In conjunction with Sayuri's birthday, "Bouquet Lale" is now available in the Dead or Alive series' DOAXVV, or "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation". Bouquet Lare" has appeared in the "DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation" to celebrate Sayuri's birthday.
Jewel Aquamarine" and "Stella Aries" are also available in the "Jewel & Stella Codes".
【3/31は「さゆり」誕生日(CV #和氣あず未)】
今日 3/31 (水) は「さゆり」さんのお誕生日?お祝いに、4/6 (火) までの期間限定で『さゆり誕生日ガチャ』開始♪
「チューリップ」の花束をイメージしたSSR水着や、『誓いのブーケ』でお祝いしてあげてね? #ブイブイ— DOAX VenusVacation公式 (@doax_vv_staff) March 30, 2021
Promise to be released
The "Bouquet Lare" and "Jewel & Stella Codes" can be obtained through the "Codes Gacha" until Tuesday, April 6 at 23:59.
The following promo items will be available

Get "Veil of Compassion" by maxing out your skills and winning the Fes!

By awakening your skills to the maximum, setting your skills to the Fes Codes, and winning one of the Fes, you can obtain the "Veil of Compassion," a special veiled hairstyle exclusively for Sayuri, as a reward from the Owner Mission.
Special pose with the "Bouquet of Vows"!

When you get the prop "Bouquet of Vows (Sayuri)," Kasumi will strike a special pose in the photo mode.
As an effect of the "Bouquet of Vows," the bouquet can be made transparent by using the "Mysterious Remote Control" during the photo shoot.