Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break ", a hunting action game developed by Capcom Co. Golden Lion Battle! is now available for download! In the newly released history video, the silhouette of an ancient dragon that will be implemented in the fourth free title update is also unveiled!
New event quests are all about Rajan for a buck!

The new event quest "Rajan for a Thousand Gold" will be released on December 29, 2022 (Thursday). Golden Lion Battle! " The objective is to hunt a single Rajan in the arena. Completing this event quest will reward you with an item that can be traded at a high price!
The third free title update has increased the upper limit of armor reinforcement levels, but the problem is that the zeny required to reinforce it has also increased exponentially. This is the perfect money-saving event for the current situation where 1 million zeny are being melted down for the reinforcement of 5 parts! Let's aim for a million dollars with the time we have during the New Year's holidays!
History video looking back on the history of the project is now available!
映像内では「ロードマップ」の最新情報の公開も!ぜひご覧ください。モンハンライズ #MHサンブレイク— モンスターハンターライズ:サンブレイク公式 (@MH_Rise_JP) December 26, 2022
The official Twitter account of "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" (@MH_Rise_JP ) was updated at 11:06 a.m. on Monday, December 26, 2022. Last week, a Christmas illustration by the designer staff was revealed, and this time...
Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" History Video!
This is a very moving video that looks back on the six-month history of "Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak," which was released on June 30, 2022 (Thursday), with "Sunbreak" by Sarah Olain.
The first free title update in August 2022 will include the Nargakuruga rare species, the Red Lotus Bazelgeuse, the Rio Reia rare species, the Rio Reus rare species, and the Puppet Quest. The second free title update in September 2022 opened up weapon layering equipment to the Tamamitsune rare species, Espinas subspecies, and the puppet-overcoming Onazuchi. The third free title update, in November 2022, will add the Gore Magara, the Gore Magala, the Theo Tescatl, and the Kushardaora to the list of quests that can now be undertaken by all allied heroes. It is no exaggeration to say that "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" is almost complete with many new monsters and new systems, but the evolution will not stop in 2023!

The newly updated "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" roadmap reveals that the fourth free title update will be implemented in February! In addition, a silhouette of a resurrected Koryu monster was also revealed. The spiky silhouette of the monster has been met with a lot of praise from hunters...
- Amatsumagatsuchi
- Akamutrum
- Ukamurubus
- Laoshanlon
- Shantien
There have been a lot of speculations about the appearance of Amatsumagatsuchi, which is in line with the worldview of Monster Hunter Rise. Since the days of "Monster Hunter Rise," the appearance of Amatsumagatsuchi, which matches the worldview, has been eagerly awaited. But it won't appear because it would be too much like Ibushimakihiko and Naruhata Tatahime ! No, it should be easier to create one because they have similar skeletons! The argument "They are not the same as Ibushimakihiko and Naruhata Tatahime," has been repeated hundreds of times.
Some people thought they would be Akamutorum or Ukamurubus, based on their newly released silhouettes, but since these two are actually flying dragons, not koryu, that seems unlikely. The revival of the Laoshanlon, which has appeared since the first "Monster Hunter," would also be a hot development, but since a new field must be implemented, this too is a long shot.
A big winner would be the Tian Xiang Long Shan Tian from "Monster Hunter Frontier G." When Espinas was first introduced, it was the first Frontier G to be released. When Espinous was implemented, it was the first frontier monster to enter the market and it became a trending topic on Twitter, and we hope that this precedent will lead to more appearances.
At any rate, there are only two months left until the fourth free title update is implemented. And with weekly event quests being delivered, we'll have that time in no time! Follow the official "Monster Hunter Rise: Sun Break" Twitter account (@MH_Rise_JP) to keep up with the latest news!