As we enter October 2023, this year's summer, which seemed like it would never end, has quickly passed and the weather has cooled off. Although it is comfortable during the daytime, it would be better to take out blankets and other items as early as possible to avoid getting sick from the difference in temperature between the morning and evening. Retro games are the perfect partner for spending long autumn nights. And speaking of retro games, the NES is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. On October 1, 2023 (Sunday), the third " NESNationalQuiz " was held, and many NES fans participated, making it a very exciting event! The results of the 12th " NES Referendum", "What do you think of the black cassette", which was open for voting until October 4, 2023 (Wednesday), have been announced! The results of the "NES Referendum" have been announced!
All the Dracula games were ranked! The 12th result is announced!

The results of the 12th "NES National Poll" "What do you think of the black cassette? The results of the "12th NES National Poll" have been announced, and the top 20 are now available on the NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website! The "Dragon Quest" series, which is synonymous with black cassettes, is ranked among all the numbered titles released on the Famicom (NES)! Dragon Quest III: And to the Legend " (No. 1) received 20.5% of the votes, or 1/5 of the total, while the original " Dragon Quest " (No. 2) received 12%, " Dragon Quest IV: The Leaders " (No. 7), which I also voted for, received 2.4%, and " Dragon Quest IV: The Last Airbender" (No. 11) received 2.4%, or 11% of the votes. The "Dragon Quest " series alone received 36.2% of the votes, more than one-third of the total! Since it is an RPG, it takes a long time to play, so the image of it stuck in the NES must be burned into many people's memory. Incidentally, the 19th-ranked game, " Burning! Professional Baseball " was ranked No. 19 in the third "What do you think of red cassettes? Professional Baseball" was ranked No. 19 in the third "What do you think of red cassettes? It was also ranked in the "What do you think of black cassettes? The "red cassette" was ranked No. 2 in the "What do you think of red cassettes? Super Mario Bros." was ranked in the same way as the well-known yellow cassette "Super Mario Bros. Professional Baseball" also has a few black versions.
#ファミコン国民投票 第12回テーマ結果発表
— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) October 5, 2023
The 13th "Which game has the best main character? Voting has begun!

The 12th edition is over, which means that the 13th edition has begun. Voting for the 13th "NES Referendum" will begin on October 5, 2023 (Thursday)! The theme of this year's poll is "Which game has the best main character? The theme this time is "Which game had the best main character? The Famicom (NES) is a console that is full of fascinating games, and many fascinating characters have appeared on the console. And when it comes to the " main character " of a game, there are many characters that are bursting with charm! In addition to original NES titles, there are also many titles based on manga, anime, and TV shows, so it is likely that a wide range of titles will be voted for. Please cast your vote for the title with the "main character" that you found appealing or that you felt an emotional attachment to! Once again, you can cast your vote from the "NES National Vote" page on the campaign website after logging in to your Nintendo account. If you forget the title of the game, don't worry, you can enter a part of the title and a list of candidates will appear. The voting period for the 13th "NES Reunion Vote" is until October 11, 2023 (Wed.) at 11:59 p.m., and the results will be announced on October 12, 2023 (Thu. )! I voted for the first " Nekketsu Kuniokun " of the "Kuniokun" series, for which new titles continue to be released even now! Don't be lickety-split!
#ファミコン国民投票 第13回のテーマは…
結果発表は10月12日(木)予定です。#ファミコン40周年— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) October 5, 2023