There are only about half a month left in 2023. It's the end of the year. On Nintendo's website, you can look back on the titles you played on Nintendo Switch in 2023, " Nintendo Switch 2023: A Year in Review, " and see which titles you played and how much you played this year. You can check which titles you played this year and how much you played them! The game I played the longest was "The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom". Speaking of Nintendo, the year 2023 was the 40th anniversary of the N ES, and the NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website was opened and various projects were carried out. Don't miss the premiere of the 6th edition of "NES Talk Shop: Kobayashi-Toy Store" onDecember 14, 2023 (Thu.) at around 8:00 p.m. when this article is published! And speaking of the 40th anniversary of the NES, the " NES National Poll," which will be held on a variety of themes, is also a weekly treat. This week, the results of the 22nd "What's your favorite backstage trick? The results of the 22nd "What's your favorite trick?
「ファミコントークショップ コバヤシ玩具店」第6回を12月14日(木)20時よりYouTubeでプレミア公開します。URLは後日こちらのアカウントでお知らせします。
コバヤシ店長が考えた国民投票のテーマ「タッグといえば?」。結果を知った店長の反応はいかに…!?— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) December 12, 2023
That command" dominated! The results of the 22nd annual contest are in!

The results of the 22nd " NES People's Vote" have been announced. The results of the "NES National Poll" have been announced, and the top 20 are now available on the NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website! Gradius," which was probably the first thing that many people thought of when they heard the word "Uragi" in the NES title, came in at an overwhelming No. 1! With 42.2% of the votes, it was the clear winner! Gradius" is also known as the most famous command in the world. ↑↑↑↓↓←→←→←→BA The "Gradius" title was the first title to feature the " Konami Command," a.k.a. "↑↑↓↓←→←→BA," which can be entered during a pause to almost fully equip the player. This command was originally used for debugging when "Gradius," which had been famous as a high difficulty shooter since the arcade era, was ported to the Famicom (NES). I was too young when I played the game and could not clear the game even by using the "Konami Commands," but as I played the game over and over again, I realized how good the music was! By the way, " ROCKMAN3: The Last Days of Dr. Wiley ", which I voted for, came in 6th place. The other titles on the list included " Dragon Quest IV: The Leaders " (No. 5), " Nigger 8 times " and " 838861 " when purchasing coins at the casino, and ""Downtown" (No. 13), "ROCKMAN3: The Last Days of Dr. Wiley" (No. 6), and "ROCKMAN4: The Last Days of Dr. Wiley" (No. 7). quot ;Downtown Special: Kuniokun's Jidai Gekijou Dare D ounyuu! There are quite a few titles where I was actually helped by the "secret technique" such as " Kogane Mushi " in "Kuniokun's Jidai Geki Dare Dasshasai! The 4th place " Crystal Dragon " seems to be ranked for a slightly different reason than other "Uragi", so if you are interested, please check it out!
#ファミコン国民投票 第22回テーマ結果発表
の投票をただいまより受付開始。サイトではトップ20やあなたが投票したタイトルの順位も確認できます。 #ファミコン40周年
— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) December 14, 2023
The 23rd "What do you think of the blue cassette? Voting has started!

The 22nd has ended, which means that the 23rd has begun. Voting for the 23rd "NES Referendum" will begin on December 14, 2023 (Thursday)! The theme of this year's poll is "What do you think of the blue cassette? The theme this time is "What do you think of the blue cassette? In the past, the theme has been the color of cassettes, such as "red cassette," "white cassette," and "black cassette," but this time, the theme will be "blue cassette! This time, the theme will be "blue cassettes"! This is a unique feature of NES cassettes, which come in a variety of colors and shapes. As with the previous cassette color themes, there must be something that comes to mind when you hear the words " blue cassette " because it is something you see when you load the NES or while playing! There must be a cassette that comes to mind when you hear the words "blue cassette." Many people may think of more than one, but please cast a clean vote by choosing the cassette that comes to mind first or the one you are most attached to! You can vote again this year by logging in to your Nintendo account, and casting your vote from the "NES National Vote" page on the campaign website. If you forget the title of the game, don't worry, you can enter part of the title to get a list of candidates. The voting period for the 23rd "NES Reunion Vote" is until December 20, 2023 (Wed.) at 11:59 p.m., and the results will be announced on December 21, 2023 (Thu. )! I voted for " Star Force," which came with my NES when it arrived at my house! Larios must be defeated before they combine!
ファミコン国民投票 第23回のテーマは…
結果発表は12月21日(木)予定です。#ファミコン40周年— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) December 14, 2023