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Each can contains 4000 mg of fiber! Loki Trick's newest prank, Loki Trick Fiber Squash, is now available!

1缶に食物繊維4000mg配合!ロキトリックの新たなイタズラ「ロキトリック ファイバースカッシュ」登場!

April 2023 is around the corner. Whether you have started a new life or are on the receiving end of a new life, it is probably time to get used to your new environment. Getting used to it means that you have done a lot of things to get used to it, which inevitably leads to a buildup of fatigue. Many of you are probably getting help from energy drinks to get through the long-awaited Golden Week if you just hang in there a little bit longer. However, as the saying goes, too much of energy drinks is not good for the body, even if they are energy drinks that give us strength. For those who care about their health, a new type of energy drink has been launched by the mischievous energy drink "ROKITRICK"!

噂のエナドリを遂にゲット!新エナドリ「LOKITRICK ENERGY」をテイスティング!

New Loki Trick with dietary fiber and vitamin C

ロキトリック ファイバースカッシュ
Loki Trick Fiber Squash

The newest addition to the "Loki Trick" lineup is " Loki Trick F iber Squash! While most energy drinks are rich in caffeine, arginine, and other energizing ingredients that give you the strength to go the extra mile, Rokitric Fiber Squash is a product that takes a completely opposite approach. First of all, it is caffeine-free, which is considered essential for energy drinks! It does not contain arginine, either! Instead, it contains vegetable juices from carrots, red peppers, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, pumpkin, and spinach, as well as lemon juice. The result is a healthy energy ingredient with 4,000 mg of dietary fiber and 200 mg of vitamin C! The 4,000 mg of dietary fiber and 200 mg of vitamin C may not sound like a lot, but they are both about twice the daily intake target for an adult male. Dietary fiber, in particular, is a difficult target to achieve even if you are consciously consuming vegetables, so it is really helpful that you can easily replenish your dietary fiber intake just by drinking "ROKITRICK Fiber Squash". Of course, there are no preservatives added! And it is made in Japan! You can drink it every day with no worries. Loki Trick Fiber Squash is now on sale at the official Loki Trick e-commerce site! The price is 3,888 yen (including tax) for a box of 30 bottles, so each bottle costs only about 130 yen. It is surprising that the "Rokitrick" brand would come out with a healthy energy drink, but considering that it is the antithesis of the common energy drink, I think it is a great prank that is typical of the "Rokitrick" brand. Let's use "Loki Trick Fiber Squash" for our daily health management and find new ways to "play" with it! For more details and to purchase, please visit the official "Loki Trick" e-commerce site!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

Rokitrick Fiber Squash 250ml x 30 bottles
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Today's society is in a warring age of energy drinks, with various manufacturers selling various brands and flavors of energy drinks. Although there are many un

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