Cygames' authentic smartphone RPG " Granblue Fantasy " is a phenomenal title that not only includes the original game, which is now being distributed for smartphones, but also a number of media mixes, all of which have been extremely popular. I'm sure that most of you have touched one of the games that have been developed. Granblue Fantasy Versus, based on Granblue Fantasy, is also a popular e-sports title, and the final of the GBVS Cygames Cup 2022 Autumn will be held on December 4, 2022. The final of "GBVS Cygames Cup 2022 Autumn" will be held on December 4, 2022 (Sun.). It has also been selected as the main tournament title for " EVO Japan 2023 " to be held from March 31, 2023. While "GRANBLUE FANTASY " is getting more and more exciting every year, there has not been much information about the action RPG "GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink" since its announcement, as if in inverse proportion to the amount of attention it has been receiving. Since its announcement as "Project Re:Link" in August 2016, the long-awaited release date has been postponed from the end of 2022 to the end of 2023, and honestly, fans have been left in the dark. Just when we were hoping that they would at least show us the latest video, we received information that exceeded our expectations! GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink" will be played for the first time in the world!
2022年内発売予定だった「グランブルーファンタジー リリンク」が発売の再延期を発表。
It will be held at GBF Fes 2022-2023!

The world's first "GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink" trial will be held at Tokyo Big Sight on January 20, 2023 (Friday), followed by a three-day " GBF Fest 2022-2023" on January 21 (Saturday ) and 22 (Sunday), with the first day of the festival on January 21, 2023 (Saturday ) and the second day on January 22, 2023 (Sunday). The event will be held at the "GBF Fest 2022-2023 " on January 21 (SAT) and January 22 (SUN). Looking back, it was at "GBF Fes 2021" that a lot of information about "GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink" was released in the near future, so it makes sense that the event will be held at "GBF Fes 2022-2023"! It's a good timing!
「GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink」 最新ゲーム映像によるティザートレーラー&新キービジュアル公開!Information such as how long you can try out the games and whether numbered tickets will be given out has not yet been disclosed. However, the premise is that you will have to be there to experience the world's first test game. For those who have not already obtained tickets for "GBF Fes 2022-2023" in advance, tickets for "GBF Fes 2022-2023" will go on sale to the general public on Wednesday, November 23, 2022, at 12:00! Whether you were not selected for the pre-sale or you have decided to come to the event, you will not be able to try out the games unless you get a ticket! Tickets will be on sale on e-plus, so if you haven't registered yet, please do so and wait for the start of sales! For more information, please check the official website of " GBF Fes 2022-2023" and"GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink"!
1/20(金)~1/22(日)東京ビッグサイトで開催される「グラブルフェス2022-2023」にて、「GRANBLUE FANTASY: Relink」の世界初試遊が決定しました!
— グランブルーファンタジー リリンク (@gbf_relink_jp) November 18, 2022