At the time of writing this article, December 28, 2023 (Thursday) is the end of the year for government and municipal offices, and many of you who are working will probably finish your work today. Although it is expected to rain on New Year's Eve in the suburbs of Tokyo, it is likely to be unusually warm for the year-end and New Year's holidays, making it comfortable for people to go out for Hatsumode (New Year's visits to shrines) and Hatsumeshi (New Year's sales). In order to enjoy the year-end and New Year holidays to the fullest, we need to make sure that everything that needs to be done before the end of the year is done, which means that we will have more opportunities to look back on the events of this year. In the video game industry, one of the top news is the 40th anniversary of Nintendo's "Family Computer" (NES) in July. The NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website has been opened and various projects have been carried out, and the " NES National Poll " has become a weekly event that we look forward to. Each time a unique theme has been chosen, and the results of the 24th "Cooperation " poll, the last of the year 2023, have been released! The results of the 24th "What do you think of "cooperation"?
For everyone to play together during the holiday season! The results of the 24th annual "What do you think of "cooperation"?

The results of the 24th "NES People's Poll" have been announced. The results of the "NES National Poll" have been announced, and the top 20 are now available on the NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website! As the theme of the poll suggests, many of the games ranked in the top 20 are games that are even more fun when played "cooperatively" by two people, making them perfect for year-end and New Year's gatherings with family, relatives and friends. Among the many titles that allow "cooperative" play, " Twinbee, " Konami's classic vertical scrolling shooter, took first place with 19.2% of the votes! The " Twinbee " on the 1P side and the " Winbee " on the 2P side can hold hands or collide back and forth to launch powerful attacks that are not possible when playing alone, and there must be many people who were able to complete the game because of 2-player play! Many people were able to complete the game because they were playing alone! While this is an advantage, there is also the familiar problem of accidentally shooting the "bell" power-up item, which can cause a bit of trouble. Some games, including " Mario Bros. " in second place, allow players to choose whether to play " co-op" or "versus" even if the game content is the same. Since there will be plenty of time to play games during the year-end and New Year holidays, it may be fun to explore ways to play games that are unique not only to "cooperative" play, but also to two-player games! By the way, the game I voted for, " Wai Wai World 2 SOS! Parsley Castle," which I voted for, did not make the Top 20 , coming in at No. 24! However, the first game in the series, "Konami Wai Wai World," was ranked 4th, so let's consider it actually 4th!
#ファミコン国民投票 第24回テーマ結果発表
— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) December 28, 2023
The last theme of the year! What do you think of dragons? Polls are now open!

The final results for 2023 have been announced, but the 40th anniversary of the NES will continue until July! Voting for the 25th "NES National Vote " started on December 28, 2023 (Thursday)! The theme of this year's poll is "What do you think of dragons? The theme for this year's poll is "What do you think of dragons? This will be the last announcement of the theme in 2023 and the first announcement of the results in 2024! Dragons" are representative of legendary creatures, and they appear in many of the latest titles. They are often powerful enemies, powerful companions, and strong characters. There are so many choices, such as titles in which dragons appear in the story, titles with a "dragon" theme, or titles with the word "dragon" in the title itself, that it is difficult to choose the right one. It is a difficult choice. However, we can only vote for one title! You can only vote for one title! Please cast your vote for the title related to "Dragon/Dragon/Dragon" that you are most attached to! Once again, you can vote from the "NES National Vote" page on the campaign site after logging in to your Nintendo account. If you forget the title of the game, don't worry, you can enter a part of the title and a list of candidates will appear. The voting period for the 25th "NES People's Vote" is one week longer than usual, until January 10, 2024 (Wednesday) at 11:59 p.m., and the results will be announced on January 11, 2024 (Thursday )! The author voted for " Dragon Buster," whose background music and sound effects are so enthralling that you can't get it out of your ears! The square golden cassette is also very cool! The NES 40th Anniversary Campaign website has been renewed to make it easier to view the past "NES National Vote" and "NES National Quiz", so be sure to take a look back at 2023!
年末年始に国民投票や武勇伝の結果をまとめてご覧いただけるよう、ページレイアウトを変更しました。"あのころの友達"と会う機会があれば一緒にお楽しみください。#ファコン40周年 は2024年7月まで実施します。引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。
— ファミコン40周年 (@famicom40th) December 28, 2023