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Pokémon Scarlet Violet: The Treasure of Zero Part 2: Indigo Disc" will be released on December 14! A packaged version that includes the main story and additional paid content will be released.

「ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝」の「後編・藍の円盤」が12月14日に配信決定!本編と有料追加コンテンツがセットになったパッケージ版が発売

It has been announced that " Pokémon Scarlett Violet " will be distributed on December 14, 2023 (Thursday ) as the second part of the "Treasure of Zero" additional content for a fee. In addition to the announcement of the distribution date, a new distribution date has also been announced. Along with the announcement of the distribution date, a new visual was released.

The distribution date for "Part 2: Ai no Disk" has been set!

Part 2

: Ai no Disk


The second part of the "Treasures of Zero" will be released on December 14, 2023 (Thursday ). In "Part 2: The Indigo Disc", a new story will unfold at Blueberry Academy, a school for exchange students.


At the school, you will be able to battle Pokémon with the Bluebellig Four Heavenly Kings and encounter Pokémon that do not appear in the Pardea region or Kitakami no Sato at the underwater garden "Terrarium Dome". In the recently released video, the three families of Pokémon that have appeared in the game so far were introduced and talked about a lot.

「ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット ゼロの秘宝」に歴代御三家が登場!新しい技や新たなテラスタイプも!
後編・藍の円盤 ビジュアル
Part 2, Indigo Disc

Along with the announcement of the distribution date, a new visual was also released. The visual depicts Zeiyu and Suguri, who appeared in "Part 1: The Mask of Blue," and we await further information on how they will be involved in the story in "Part 2: The Disc of Blue! In order to complete the main storyline of "Part 2: Indigo Disc", you will need to have completed the main storyline of "Part 1: Blue Mask" and "Part 2: Blue Mask". For the latest information on the additional content "Pokémon Scarlet Violet: Treasures of Zero," please visit the official website or the official Pokémon Information Bureau X (@poke_times ).

A packaged version that includes the main story and additional paid content is now available!

"ポケットモンスター スカーレット・バイオレット"+ゼロの秘宝
"Pokémon Scarlet Violet" + Zero's Treasure

A packaged version of the main title "Pokémon Scarlet Violet" and the additional paid content "Zero no Himou" will be released on November 3, 2023 (Friday, national holiday). The price is 10,078 yen (including tax) for each product. This product is also recommended as a Christmas gift since it allows you to play through all the adventures in the "Pardea Region," "Kitakami no Sato," and "Blueberry Academy" with a single copy of the game. The game also comes with a serial code that gives you 100 Monster Balls, so be sure to get a head start by receiving it!


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

Pokémon Violet + Treasures of Zero - Switch
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