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REDEE Corporation launches the next generation e-sports team REDEE Gaming!

REDEE株式会社が次世代のeスポーツチーム「REDEE Gaming」を発足!所属選手全員がデジタル人材

REDEE Corporation, which operates the digital complex "REDEE", e-sports events, and consulting services, has launched the e-sports team " REDEE Gaming ".

The e-sports team "REDEE Gaming" has been launched!

"REDEE Gaming"のアイコンは本拠地の京都をイメージ
The icon of "REDEE Gaming" is based in Kyoto, Japan

REDEE Corporation announces the launch of the e-sports team "REDEE Gaming". The members are...

  • Fujimoto
  • Onda
  • Koga
  • Takada
  • Kogawa
  • Sato

There are five of us. REDEE Gaming" is characterized by the fact that its members are not only e-sports players, but also have the digital skills necessary to manage digital events. With the goal of "creating and providing a place and opportunity for everyone involved in e-sports to play an active role as a professional group," the group will work to educate the public about e-sports, revitalize local communities through the use of games, and produce digital talent.


We provide government agencies and corporations with eSports recruitment assistance, branding, matching, and reskilling. By incorporating eSports, which is of particular interest to Generation Z, we are able to achieve a new approach that differs from traditional methods and provides more effective support. Furthermore, we will provide students with opportunities to learn and grow, and create opportunities for direct interaction with companies. Specifically, we will create an environment in which students can think and act independently by holding events utilizing e-sports and involving themselves in the planning and operation of the events. In addition, we will utilize the appeal of e-sports to provide career support in which everyone can learn in a fun and interesting way. We will continue to provide information as it becomes available, so please stay tuned.


For more information, please visit the official "REDEE Gaming" website.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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