Nintendo Live 2024 TOKYO", which would have been held on January 20 (Sat.) and 21 (Sun.), 2024, has been canceled, and those who had entered the event to have a chance to participate were very saddened. I was also saddened. Many of you were looking forward to the various events, especially the live music concerts, but to our surprise, "The Legend of Zelda: Orchestra Concert" will be held on Friday, February 9, 2024, and "Splatoon 3: Bunker Live Roar & Quot;" will be held on Saturday, February 10, 2024, both of which will be open to the public for the first time. The "Legend of Zelda : Orchestra Concert" will premiere on Saturday, February 10, 2024! What a cool idea! In addition, the long-awaited second expansion pass for Splatoon 3, " Side Order," will be released on February 22, 2024 (Thursday ), and other big announcements continue! The next festival will be held on February 22, 2024 (Thursday)! And it will be held again with a different theme for each region!
【Side Order】
新たな主人公たちと共に、秩序の世界に挑もう。スプラトゥーン3#サイド・オーダー— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) January 24, 2024
The sweetest theme to trouble the sweet tooth!

The 13th "Splatoon 3" festival will be held from February 17, 2024 (Sat) 9:00 to February 19, 2024 (Mon) 9: 00! The 11th "What do you call this? As with the 11th "Kaiten-yaki vs Oobanyaki vs Imagawa-yaki", the theme will vary depending on the region, but the theme for Japan is "Which one do you like? Which is your favorite? Anko (red bean paste) vs. custard vs. whipped cream
「スプラトゥーン3」の次回フェスは地域によって異なるお題!日本は「どれが好き?あんこ vs カスタード vs ホイップ」開催!
The timing of the event is after Valentine's Day, a time when people are craving for something sweet other than chocolate, and anko (red bean paste),custard, andwhipped cream are all classic fillings that can't go wrong. For those with a sweet tooth, choosing just one is a real challenge, but make up your mind before the Yobi Festival gets underway!
日本のお題は「どれが好き?あんこ vs カスタード vs ホイップ」。
寒いこの時期、甘いスイーツでほっこりしよう。— Splatoon(スプラトゥーン) (@SplatoonJP) February 1, 2024
This year's theme will vary by region, but in North America, the theme is " What's the best day of the weekend? Friday, Saturday, or Sunday What's the best day of the weekend? Friday vs. Saturday vs. Sunday). I personally would choose Saturday, since I have that day off and the next day off as well. It would be interesting to see how the voting rate would change depending on whether or not there are many people who have Saturday and Sunday off!
SRL Splatfest Research Team here! We've discovered the next Splatfest theme. "What's the best day of the weekend? Friday, Saturday, or Sunday?"
Make your choice and battle it out from 4 PM PT on 2/16 to 4 PM PT on 2/18!— Splatoon North America (@SplatoonNA) February 1, 2024