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MINECRAFT TORCH LIGHT Is Available For Pre-Order In Japan!
MINECRAFT TORCH LIGHT Is Available For Pre-Order In Japan!
noblechairsから大人気ゲーム「Fallout」シリーズとコラボしたゲーミングチェア「HERO Fallout Vault-Tec Edition」が発売!
Released! Gaming Chair "HERO Fallout Vault-Tec Edition" from noblechairs!
ASUS launched the ideal Home Gaming Monitor, "VG245HEY"!
スーパーマリオ35周年記念「ゲーム&ウオッチ スーパーマリオブラザーズ」発売決定!
35th Anniversary "Game&Watch SuperMarioBros." to be Released!
ダブルの冷却システムを搭載した144Hzリフレッシュレートのゲーミングスマートフォン「RedMagic 5S」が発売!
144Hz refresh rate gaming smartphone, "RedMagic 5S" Released!
Two types of Sanwa Supply gaming bags released today!
MSIがNVIDIA GeForce RTX 30シリーズから第1弾ラインアップ「VENTUSシリーズ」と「GAMINGシリーズ」を発表!
MSI Announces "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 30 Series" Graphics Cards!
Nintendo SwitchとPCに3つの方式で接続できるアケコン「8BitDo Arcade Stick」発表!
Arcade Controller "8BitDo Arcade Stick" Announced!
待望の新商品「ZONe DEEP DIVE Ver.1.0.0」発売決定!人気アーティストとのコラボ楽曲も発表!
New product "ZONe DEEP DIVE Ver.1.0.0" Release Decision!
ロジクールから5年ぶり新作ステアリングホイール「G923 レーシングハンドル&ペダル」発売決定ロジクールから5年ぶり新作ステアリングホイール「G923 レーシングハンドル&ペダル」発売決定!
New! "G923 racing steering wheel & pedal" to be Released!
Razerから人気モデルの後継機コンパクトゲーミングキーボード「RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 TENKEYLESS」が8月31日に発売!
Comes! Compact Gaming Keyboard "RAZER BLACKWIDOW V3 TENKEYLESS"
グラフィティアートをイメージしたデザインが特徴的なゲーミングマウスパッド Xtrfy「GP4」発売
Released Xtrfy "GP4" Mouse Pad, Graffiti Art-Inspired Design!
Shin Gouki Rice" in collaboration with "Street Fighter 6" goes on sale on March 7! Tsuki-akari" rice is ideal for onigiri (rice balls)
Shin Gouki Rice" in collaboration with "Street Fighter 6" goes on sale on March 7! Tsuki-akari" rice is ideal for onigiri (rice balls)
Niji-sanji will release "Niji-sanji White Day 2025 Voices - Sweet Returns" and "Niji-sanji Sokubaku Voices" on March 13! Voices by Saotome Berry, Saeki Itetsu, and more!
Niji-sanji will release "Niji-sanji White Day 2025 Voices - Sweet Returns" and "Niji-sanji Sokubaku Voices" on March 13! Voices by Saotome Berry, Saeki Itetsu, and more!
Zoids featuring Tamamitsune and Rajan appear in the second "Zoids" x "Monster Hunter" collaboration!
Zoids featuring Tamamitsune and Rajan appear in the second "Zoids" x "Monster Hunter" collaboration!
The arcade controller, fully supervised by Nemo, is now available for pre-order and purchase, and will be released on March 24!
The arcade controller, fully supervised by Nemo, is now available for pre-order and purchase, and will be released on March 24!
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