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Fujikyu Highland and Sonic collaborate to hold "SONIC SQUARE! SONIC SQUARE" will be held!

「富士急ハイランド」と「ソニック」がコラボ!「SONIC SQUARE(ソニックスクエア)」開催決定

Sonic Square," a collaboration between Fujikyu Highland and the "Sonic" series, will be held from September 27 (Wed) to October 15 (Sun), 2023! Photo panels of each character in the "Sonic" series will appear throughout the park, and the park will also be decorated with "Sonic" through food and drink collaborations and other events!

Sonic Square" at Fujikyu Highland


Sonic," the world's most popular game series by SEGA, has sold more than 1.5 billion copies in total! At "SONIC SQUARE", which will be held from September 27 (Wed) to October 15 (Sun), 2023, Fujikyu Highland will be unified with the world view of the "Sonic" series, with attractions by characters, announcements in the park, photo booths that recreate stages and items in the game, and a "Sonic Square". The event will feature attractions by the characters, announcements throughout the park, a photo spot that recreates stages and items from the game, a mystery-solving game, and much more.

A promotional video commemorating the collaboration is now available on the " Fujikyu Highland Official " YouTube channel!

"SONIC SQUARE" Event Lineup

Photo Spot

Photo panels featuring characters from the "Sonic" series will welcome you at various locations throughout the park! There will also be a "Green Hill Zone", one of the most famous stages in the game, and a photo spot that recreates the ring.


Attractions & Park Announcements

The popular attractions and park announcements at Fujikyu Highland will be performed by characters from the "Sonic" series!

Collaboration Menu

Collaboration menus of "Sonic" series will be sold at various restaurants in the park.

Riddle solving game

A mystery-solving game will be held at Fujikyu Highland, where visitors will have to solve riddles and find the scattered characters of the "Sonic" series!

Raffle Pong

By collecting the tickets given after completing the puzzle-solving game, you can participate in the "Raffle Pong" to win gorgeous prizes such as an amber sugar that reproduces the Chaos Emeralds and "Sonic Frontier" software for Nintendo Switch!

Chaos Emerald Amber Sugar

カオスエメラルドの琥珀糖PR TIMES

Greeting Event

A meet and greet event will be held every day during the event period, where you can take pictures with Sonic and the "Screaming Squadron Highlander"!



Screaming Squadron Highlander

絶叫戦隊ハイランダーPR TIMES

Trial Play Corner

A play corner where you can try out "Sonic Superstars" for Nintendo Switch, which will be released on October 17, 2023 (Tuesday). Players will receive a "Sonic Superstars" character mask! You can also play "Samba DE Amigo: Party Central" for Nintendo Switch, which will be released on August 30, 2023 (Wednesday).

Character masks for "Sonic Superstars

『ソニックスーパースターズ』キャラお面PR TIMES

This fall, enjoy a special collaboration event between Fujikyu Highland and the "Sonic" series! For more information, please visit the official website of Fujikyu Highland.


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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