Released on June 11, 2021 (Friday) on PS4, PS5, and Steam. The arcade version of " GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- " will also be available on "ALL.Net P-ras MULTI Version 3."
The release of the game has been postponed several times, but now there is only a month left until its release.
With the release of the game approaching, the " GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE- Free Trial Version (Open Beta Test) #2 " for PS4 and PS5 has been announced.
This open beta test will allow you to use all 16 characters that will be available when the game is released, so we are sure that many of you can't wait until May 14, 2021 (Friday), at 12:00!
How about playing the past series?
The " #GGST Open Beta Commemorative Sale " is now open on PlayStation Store, where you can purchase the past GUILTY GEAR series at a bargain price!
「御津闇慈」と「イノ」も使える!第2回「GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-」オープンβテスト開催決定!
Up to 85% off 4 titles!
The " #GGST Open Beta Sale " includes 4 titles from the GUILTY GEAR series for PS4.
The sale covers the first and most recent titles in the series, so it's a great way to play and catch up on the story before the release of the newest title, "GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-"!
Here are the four titles and their prices!

GUILTY GEAR Xrd REV 2 " is 60% off from 4,888 yen to 1,955 yen!

GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- " went from 3,035 yen to 515 yen, 83% off!

GUILTY GEAR Xrd -REVELATOR- " will go from 6,380 yen to 957 yen, a whopping 85% off!

GUILTY G EAR" will be on sale from 1,222 yen to 488 yen, 60% off!
Sale ends May 26th!
The "#GGST Open Beta Commemorative Sale" will last until Friday, May 26, 2021.
"GUILTY GEAR -STRIVE-" open beta test is scheduled from May 14, 2021 (Fri.) 12:00 to May 16, 2021 (Sun.) 23:59, so you can still play the latest title in time for the open beta test.
In addition to the GUILTY GEAR series introduced above, various other titles will be on sale during the "#GGST Open Beta Commemorative Sale," so please check the Arc System Works official website event and campaign page for details!
【セール情報】#GGST 第2回オープンβテストに際して、「#GGSTオープンβ開催記念セール」を実施致します!
最新作を待ちきれない方や、この機会に過去作を遊んでみたい方は是非ご利用ください!▼セール情報はこちら #ギルティギア
— アークシステムワークス公式ツイッター (@ARCSY_Event) May 12, 2021