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Summary of "Capcom Spotlight + Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase" including pause implementation, Nelscura, Gore Magara revival, and more.

一時停止実装やネルスキュラ、ゴア・マガラ復活など「カプコンスポットライト + モンスターハンターワイルズ ショーケース」まとめ

Capcom Co., Ltd. will broadcast the online program " Capcom Spotlight + Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase " on Wednesday, February 5, 2025 (Japan time). Capcom will be presenting the latest information on "Capcom Fighting Collection 2", "Onimusha", the remastered version of "Onimusha 2", "Monster Hunter Wilds" and more!

Capcom Spotlight" to present information on the latest titles

On Wednesday, February 5, 2025 (Japan time), "Capcom Spotlight + Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase" will be held. The latest information on Capcom's titles was revealed in this two-part program.

Mai Shiranui joins "Street Fighter 6!

Mai Shiranui joins the game!

The second guest character "Mai Shiranui" will be released on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

Fighting Pass "Mai Shiranui" will be delivered on Wednesday, February 5, 2025! Mai Shiranui joins the competition!

In addition, the Fighting Pass "Mai Shiranui" will be distributed at the same time! will be distributed at the same time. This is your chance to get Mai Shiranui's costume!

The Xbox One version of "MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics" will be released later this year!

Xbox One版"MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics"
MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics" for Xbox One

MARVEL vs. CAPCOM Fighting Collection: Arcade Classics" for Xbox One, which was previously available on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Steam and is scheduled for release in 2025. Capcom Spotlight + Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase", which was scheduled to be released on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.

Capcom Fighting Collection 2" will be released on Friday, May 16!

"カプコン ファイティング コレクション2"
Capcom Fighting Collection 2

Capcom Fighting Collection 2" will be released on May 16 (Friday)! Capcom Fighting Collection 2", which is packed with Capcom's classic titles such as "Power Stone 2" and "Justice Academy", will be released on May 16, 2025 (Friday)! Pre-orders will begin immediately after the program.

A completely new "Onimusha" game is currently under development!

完全新作"鬼武者 Way of the Sword"は2026年発売予定
A completely new "Onimusha: Way of the Sword" is scheduled for release in 2026.

Onimusha Way of the Sword," a completely new installment of the "Onimusha" sword-fighting action game series

  • New heroes and characters" and fascinating enemies
  • Set in Kyoto, a city with many traditional spots
  • The best sword-fighting action

The game is currently under development with these three themes in mind.

A developer message from the producer Kadowaki and director Nihei is also available.

A remastered version of "Onimusha 2" will be released in 2025!

Onimusha 2" released in 2002 will be revived more than 20 years later!

Remastered "Onimusha 2

The remastered version of "Onimusha 2" will be released in 2025 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Steam.

Monster Hunter Wilds Showcase" with new videos and features

New field "Cliffs of Ice and Fog
新モンスター"風鋏竜 ヒラバミ"
New monster "Hirabami," the wind shear dragon
復活モンスター"影蜘蛛 ネルスキュラ"
Resurrected monster "Shadow Spider Nelscira
復活モンスター"黒蝕竜 ゴア・マガラ"
Resurrected monster "Gore Magara" (Black Eclipse Dragon)

In the newly released video, the new field "Ice Mist Cliff" and the new monster "Hirabami" appear. In addition, "Nelscylla" and "Gore Magara", monsters that have returned from past titles, have been revealed!

"鎖刃竜 アルシュベルド"に挑戦できる
You can challenge "Archeveld, the Chain Blade Dragon!
  • Japan time February 7, 2025 (Fri.) 0:00 p.m. - February 10, 2025 (Mon.) 11:59 a.m.
  • Japan time February 14, 2025 (Fri.) 0:00 p.m. - February 17, 2025 (Mon.) 11:59 a.m.

During the Open Beta Test 2, which will be held on February 14, 2025, it will be revealed that players will be able to challenge the main monster of the game , the Archeveld! Also, there will be a training area where you can practice your weapons, a private lobby where you can enjoy yourself with friends or by yourself, and a solo online function.

Automatic production of layered equipment!

Easier layered equipment!

The "layered equipment" that can change only the appearance of hunter and otomo equipment will be automatically registered when producing higher level armor. Since there is no need to produce only the layered clothing, it will be easier to enjoy fashionable clothing!

Secrets and base camp appearance can also be changed!

Secrets and simple camp customization

As the story progresses, you will be able to customize the hair color and decorations of secreto. You can also change the appearance and decorations of the new "simple camp," as well as the background music played in the base camp.

Hunter Profile" expresses who you are as a hunter.

Hunter Profile

The "Hunter Profile," which corresponds to a conventional guild card, has more setting items and new features that allow you to set up your own personal profile.

Photo mode" to capture the moment of hunting

Photo Mode

In "Photo Mode," you can set the camera's field of view and depth of field. The ability to " pause" while playing solo online is a feature that was not included in Monster Hunter: World. This is great news for hunters who do not use Photo Mode.

PlayStation 5 bundled edition will be released on the same day.

PlayStation 5同梱版
PlayStation 5 bundled edition
  • PlayStation 5 "Monster Hunter Wilds" bundled edition: 79,980 yen (tax included)
  • PlayStation 5 Digital Edition with "Monster Hunter Wilds": 72,980 yen (including tax)

A bundled edition of PlayStation 5 with "Monster Hunter Wilds" will be released on February 28, 2025 (Friday). Pre-orders will begin on Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

For the latest information, including previously announced content, please visit the official "Monster Hunter Wilds" website and official X (@MH_Wilds ).


Sorry, this article is only available in Japanese and 繁體中文. at the moment.

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