Arica presents the fighting game " FIGHTING EX LAYER ".
Arica, well-known for its "Street Fighter EX" series, has created a very popular fighting game featuring only attractive original characters (except for Terry Bogart, who is a DLC).
FIGHTING EX LAYER" has been released on PS4 and Steam, and now the Nintendo Switch version, " FIGHTING EX LAYER -ANOTHER DASH- " is available for download! FIGHTING EX LAYER -ANOTHER DASH-" for Nintendo Switch has been released!
A new innovation with a new system!
FIGHTING EX LAYER -ANOTHER DASH-" is not a Nintendo Switch version of "FIGHTING EX LAYER", but a new version with a new system. It will be a new work with a new system.
The "FIGHTING EX LAYER" system is no longer present in "FIGHTING EX LAYER", but is replaced by the new " EX ACTION " system.
EX Dash " to dash toward an opponent

EX ARROW " to perform a homing jump toward the opponent

EX Evasion" cancels a guard's hardening and performs an evasion.

EX Dash" and "EX Arrow" can be connected to " Chain Combo," a series of normal moves for even more exhilarating play.
The "EX Actions" change the feel and strategy of the controls, so even those who have already played "FIGHTING EX LAYER" can enjoy this title with a fresh mind.
The download is free!
Nintendo Switch "FIGHTING EX LAYER -ANOTHER DASH-" will be available only in Japan and Hong Kong on April 1, 2021 (Thursday ). Other regions are currently being worked out.
The game can be downloaded for free from the Nintendo eShop on the Nintendo Switch or My Nintendo Store!
Free" does not mean that you can play the game for free, of course. There are also restrictions on the modes that can be played.
The " FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH Full Pack ", available for 2,800 yen, will allow the use of 14 additional characters and will also unlock character colors, training mode and online mode, as well as the ability to play in the " FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH " mode. The "FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH FULL PACK" will give you access to 14 additional characters, unlock character colors, training mode, online mode, and the spectator (lobby viewing) mode scheduled for implementation in June 2021.
The main game is free and the "FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH Full Pack" is 2,800 yen, which means the full version is 2,800 yen, right? That's crazy cheap!
But since the full version of the game is free, let's download and play it first!
For more information, please check the official website of "FIGHTING EX LAYER -ANOTHER DASH-"!
株式会社アリカは2021年4月1日(木)にNintendo Switch™用ゲームソフト
その他の地域に関しては現在調整中ですが4月中にリリース予定です— FIGHTING EX LAYER (@FightingExLayer) March 31, 2021